Abdomen and Pelvis CT Cancer/Disease Screening Virtual Colonoscopy Cancer Screening Coronary Artery Evaluation - Heart CT Calcium Scoring Coronary Artery Evaluation - 3D Coronary Angiography
CT scanning, which stands for Computer Assisted Tomography, is a rapid, painless diagnostic examination that combines X-rays and computers to image the inside of the body at far more detail than standard X-rays. The CT Scanner is shaped like a large donut and the inside rotates around taking images of the body. Each time the machine rotates it takes an image of one slice of the body. At Reston Radiology Consultants, we use a GE LightSpeed 16 multislice CT scanner, which has significant advantages over other CT scanners because with each rotation it takes multiple slices of the body in 3-D. This means that scans are performed much faster with more information obtained. Because the scans are performed faster, there is less exposure to radiation. We can image any part of the body as part of our overall Wellness Program as taking care of your body is important! When we get sick it is easy to push ourselves to go to a doctor or get a test, but this is not always true when we feel fine. Sometimes diseases though do not cause us to feel sick until they have progressed to a point where it is difficult to treat them or they cannot be treated at all. Screening enhances detection of disease in the early stage and can prolong life. Abdomen and Pelvis CT Cancer/Disease Screening What is Abdomen and Pelvis CT Cancer/Disease Screening? Abdomen and pelvis screening can help detect diseases early such as lymphomas, cancers of the kidney, liver, uterus, ovary, pancreas, and bladder, as well as gallstones. Who should consider this test? Individuals forty years of age or older are at increased risks for a number of medical problems compared with those who are younger and should consider this exam. Will my insurance pay for this test? Medical insurance may not cover this exam in people who are without symptoms. However, the exam may be covered in some instances if an abnormality is discovered.
Yes, because intravenous contrast is used in order to greatly improve our ability to detect small tumors. Because these very small tumors that have the highest cure rate following treatment, it is important to supply your physician’s name and contact information. We will then contact your physician for a referral and to provide the results of your exam. Virtual Colonoscopy Cancer Screening How common is colorectal cancer? Colon and rectal cancers are the third-leading cause of the cancer deaths among American men and women, after prostate cancer and lung cancer for men, and breast and lung cancer for women. Virtual Colonoscopy is a screening test for colon cancer and related problems such as polyps, or precancerous lesions. An alternative to a traditional colonoscopy, it utilizes CT scan technology. This consists of taking multiple low-dose x-rays from various angles through the body over a very short period of time to generate slice-like images and high resolution 3D images of the colon. Virtual Colonoscopy is sensitive for the detection of polyps, which can be removed in early detection stages before they become cancer. As an alternative to traditional colonoscopy, Virtual Colonoscopy should be performed in those at risk for colon cancer:
What preparation does the procedure require? Virtual Colonoscopy requires no sedation. The procedure entails clearing the bowel and filling the colon with air. This process is quick and generally painless, resulting in a feeling of fullness for the patient, but no undue discomfort. Overall, the patient is required to be on the exam table for approximately 10 to 15 minutes and may return to normal activities immediately following the procedure. Virtual Colonoscopy has a similar detection rate to traditional colonoscopy for polyps one centimeter or larger. These are the polyps most likely to harbor cancer. Abnormalities detected by Virtual Colonoscopy may need to be evaluated by the traditional procedure. No, a doctor’s order is not required to undergo this test, but the results will be sent to your doctor. Will my insurance pay for this test? When performed as part of an abdomen and pelvis CT in relation to specific symptoms or an incomplete colonoscopy exam, the study may be covered by insurance. Symptoms such as blood in the stool, abdomen pain, change in bowel habits and similar problems may be covered by some insurance companies. Some insurers may pay the cost of the Virtual Colonoscopy performed without any symptoms as a screening test only. Coronary Artery Evaluation Heart Disease is a leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. In fact, 50% of men and 63% of women who die suddenly from heart disease have no previous symptoms according to the American Heart Association. A heart CT scan can detect heart disease long before you feel any symptoms, which allows you to develop a treatment plan before you have a heart attack. This new technology detects calcium in the arteries of the heart. The amount of calcium deposited in your arteries is directly related to heart disease risk. The heart CT scan is painless and is performed in less than ten minutes. More… If the scan is “negative” you will know that your current risk of heart disease is very low. If the study is “positive” you will discover that you may have heart disease and with this information, you and your doctor can develop a plan to decrease your risk of a future heart attack. Who should have heart CT Calcium Scoring? We recommend that this test be performed on patients ages 40 and over who are concerned about heart disease. If you are currently having symptoms related to your heart, or you have previously been diagnosed with heart disease, other studies may be more appropriate. Will medical insurance pay for this text? No, many insurance plans may not cover this procedure, but they may pay for the study if disease is detected. No, you do not need an order from your physician for this test. However, we will send a copy of the results to your doctor. How does heart CT Calcium scoring differ from 3D Coronary Angiography? Calcium scoring is an index to help estimate your risk of heart disease. This may be all you need if you are in a low risk group. If this exam is abnormal or if you are at a higher risk of disease, the more complete evaluation of a 3D Coronary Angiography will more clearly establish your risk and enable your physician to accurately plan future treatments or medications, if necessary. Coronary Artery Evaluation What is 3D Coronary Angiography? 3D CT Coronary Angiography is a revolutionary new way to evaluate the heart’s arteries (coronary arteries) for blockage and other abnormalities. This simple, non-invasive test will produce high-resolution 3D images of your heart and its blood vessels to see if there are blockages that could lead to a heart attack. Before 3D CT Coronary Angiography, the only test that could show this level of detail was an invasive study that was not able to show both the calcified and soft cholesterol plaques in the arteries. Nor was it able to determine the presence and severity of the blockages to the level of detail possible with 3D CT Coronary Angiography, which also includes the Heart CT Calcium Score Study. How does 3D CT Coronary Angiography work? We use a state-of-the-art 16-slice CT Scanner to generate hundreds of high-resolution images of your heart. These images are then processed into 3D images at a powerful computer workstation and interpreted by our Board-Certified Vascular Interventional Radiologists. You or your physician will then receive a comprehensive report detailing any blockages or other abnormalities detected. How does 3D Coronary Angiography differ from heart CT Calcium scoring alone? Intravenous contrast is used for this study in order to provide the best structural detail about your heart’s vessels in addition to evaluating the calcification present. Heart CT calcium scoring is included as part of the 3D Coronary Angiography study. We recommend this test for patients ages 40 and over who have risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, a history of smoking, elevated cholesterol, or family history of heart disease. What preparation does the procedure require? A 3D CT Coronary Angiogram is a simple procedure. Before the study, you will be asked to follow a liquid diet for 2-3 hours and avoid caffeinated beverages and foods. You may be given a medication to keep your heart rate low. This helps to make 3D images clearer. During the exam you will lie on your back on the scanner table. A small amount of contrast will be injected into your blood while you hold your breath for about 20 seconds. Is the exam safe? 3D CT Coronary Angiography is FDA approved and uses ultra-thin x-ray beams to create the images of your heart. The test is safe, easy, and performed in less than 15 minutes. You will be comfortable during the study and every effort will be made to ensure that there are no side effects from the contrast dye. How can 3D CT Coronary Angiography help me? By having a 3D CT Coronary Angiogram, you will know exactly where you stand regarding to your heart health. If no abnormalities are found, you can rest assured that you have a very low risk of a heart attack in the near future. If the exam confirms the presence of calcified or soft plague, your physician can then determine if any additional tests or treatments (including lifestyle changes) may be necessary to decrease your heart attack risk. This simple test can help you stay in control of your own health. Will my insurance pay for the test? No, medical insurance companies may not cover this exam for people without symptoms. However, if disease is detected, your medical insurance may cover the cost. Yes, because intravenous contrast is used and it is important to provide your physician’s name and contact information so that we can request a referral and share your test results. Lung Cancer is the #1 cancer killer. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in both men and women in the United States. More deaths occur each year from lung cancer alone than from colon, prostate, and breast cancer combined.
CT technology is used to detect early indications of lung cancer, including curable tumors that 80% of chest x-rays cannot detect. No injection of contrast is needed for this study. People at high risk for developing lung cancer, those 50-80 years of age with at least a ten pack per year history (smoked one pack a day for ten years, 2 packs a day for 5 years, etc.) should consider having this exam.
Will my insurance pay for this test? Medical insurance may not cover this exam in people who are without symptoms. However, the exam may be covered in some instances if an abnormality is discovered. No, a doctor’s order is not required to undergo this test but the results of this study will be sent to your doctor.
To schedule an appointment, call our Fair Oaks Imaging Office at (703) 385-5203. |